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Thursday, May 31, 2007

The power of positiveness

Positiveness means maintaining a state of positive expectations about people and situations, including a positive state of energy in your thoughts and emotional patterns. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's book, The Power of Positive Thinking, was published over 40 years ago and it continues to sell well because it contains such a universal truth: the attitudes we hold help to shape the reality we experience.
Having a positive attitude isn't something you just tack on to your old personality. That positiveness isn't external like a new suit. It comes from deep within you. It has to or it would get wiped out with the first sign of a countervailing negative force. Positiveness is built on having your own positive life philosophy, on knowing what strengths you have, and on surrounding yourself with other sources of positiveness.
Many of us haven't taken the time to consider what our own life philosophy is. If you haven't, it doesn't mean you don't have one. You're just operating from it unconsciously. By life philosophy, I mean, in simple terms, something like: I know I'm here to live up to my potential, make a contribution to society, and have a good time. Someone else might say: I'm here to serve God through being of service to my fellow human beings. Another philosophy might be: I'm here to show others that despite physical handicaps, you can lead a productive life and enjoy what you have.
Your personal philosophy can contain a vision such as: I'm here to save the planet from environmental destruction. Or, I'm a valuable member of a company that's improving the way human beings communicate with one another. Your philosophy acknowledges who you are and what your purpose is for being alive. A truly positive philosophy, one that's motivating, encompasses more than just you. Again, if you haven't formulated one, your unconscious personal philosophy might sound something like: "I'm here to make it through the day, day after day, until I die." Or, "I'm here to grab as much as I can of material possessions and thrills, because you only live once." Having a well-articulated personal philosophy gives you a sense of purpose and it can help you get through rough times as well.
The second aspect of positiveness comes from knowing what strengths you have to build on to achieve that life philosophy. This involves taking a personal inventory about your talents and skills and also what you like to do. Ideally, we'd all like to make a living or spend our time doing what we love. The people who come the closest to that are those who actually take the time to figure out what they love doing. Then you figure out what skills you have and which ones you need and take a step closer to matching your ideal life's work with the reality of your work life.
Having a positive life philosophy and knowing what strengths you have to build on will only get you so far. The third aspect of positiveness is surrounding yourself with other sources of the same energy. Occasionally we hear stories of people who struggle against great odds, prove the naysayers wrong and achieve the nearly impossible. They turn around a defunct company, they stop a highway from going through virgin land, they bring out a new product line in record time, or they beat the odds on terminal cancer.
By definition, they had to have had a positive philosophy to get them there and they had to know what they could do themselves and what they needed to get from others. Those stories rarely mention the fact that those people always had some other source of positive energy outside themselves that kept them going. Most probably it was other people they could rely on for support. Other people who were also positive about their ability to succeed. Perhaps they were also motivated by the example of some historical figure. Perhaps they drew strength from a spiritual source. The point is, they didn't do it alone. They needed to be embedded in some sort of supportive, positive context that recharged them when their own batteries were running low.
Ideally, you surround yourself with the kinds of people who exhibit the positive traits we're talking about. Avoid the two-dimensional folks who tend toward the negative traits we discussed earlier - the ones who see things as either/or, right or wrong, and don't care to entertain any other thoughts. These people don't help recharge, they drain you.
Ever since Dr. Peale introduced his formulation of positive thinking, we've been hearing the notion of "having a positive attitude" from every motivational book and speaker you could name. It's not that we don't need to be reminded once in a while to get out of a negativity rut. We do. But the way "positive attitude" is sometimes presented is like buying a new outfit or getting a haircut. Just go out and do it. How?
I hope in this brief discussion I've given you the beginnings of a deeper understanding of the How. It begins inside you with a positive life philosophy, a positive sense of who you are and what you bring to the table of life. And it requires that you embed yourself in a context of positiveness - to tap sources beyond yourself. If this trait isn't already in your repertoire, then begin here. The trait of positiveness is so attractive, other people will be drawn to you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


You are lost if you do not believe that having money is a good thing.
You need the self-confidence and focus to follow your dream and this will be fatally undercut if you have the wrong philosophy of life and money.No amount of effort on your part will overcome a faulty philosophy.
If, deep down, you believe that wealth is a sin or that money is dirty, or wicked then the first step is for you to correct this error or give up all hopes of wealth for you and your family.What is a 'wrong' philosophy with regard to making money?
Anything which could be described as altruistic, socialist, collectivist, communist or any one of its thousand manifestations no matter what the label, no matter what the disguise, no matter what the smoke screen.
Without exception, every self-made millionaire I have met was a rugged individualist. Most of them despised government, although many were clever enough not to say so in public.
And believe me, there were approximately zero socialists amongst them.
A socialist, whatever he calls himself, is someone who believes that brute force should be used to loot from the productive, in order to provide handouts for the unproductive. No matter how you disguise it, or make it look fancy, that's the plain truth of the socialist doctrine.
I believe that it is impossible for you to attempt to get rich if you have some nagging doubt that money is the root of all evil, that Capitalism is bad or that wealth should be divided up amongst the needy. You have surrendered the philosophical high ground if you sign up for any of these positions.
Let me apologize in advance if you find this a little heavy. It is my sincere wish that you read this article and stay with me. Later articles are far easier.The teachings I produce in order to help people have a better life aren't merely plucked from the air, randomly. My views are based on a solid, 'from the ground up' philosophy of life - a thing which few people have in our compromise age of mixed economies.
It is a powerful thing to have a coherent philosophy of life. Without this, you react to life's events with a series of random, mood of the moment responses which are often contradictory and self-defeating. You pick emotions and opinions from an array of ill-considered viewpoints and hand-me-down beliefs.In contrast, a coherent philosophy empowers you. The correct thing to do in all situations becomes obvious - it is merely a question of being strong enough to do it, which is not always so easy!
No thief, no con-man, no criminal will ever come close to stealing the amount of wealth taken from you by force due to bad philosophy. I am, of course, talking about state theft of your life efforts. If you do not believe such theft is wrong, your wealth-generating efforts are doomed.
Clients pay $4500 a day to hear Stuart Goldsmith's hard-hitting marketing advice. Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert recently described him as "The second best copywriter on the planet!" His sales letters and adverts have made him many millions of dollars. In his startling free action guide "Double Your Way To A Million", Stuart shows how you can change nothing into $1,310,720 without any capital, simply using your wit, imagination and your natural abilities.
change yuor believe today and become rich.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


If you persist you really cannot fail.
While you may fail many times along the way, you have not truly failed until you accept failure. However, if you are truly persistent, failure is a clear indication you are getting closer to success.
How can that be?
Because with each failure comes very valuable knowledge. The knowledge of what DOESN'T work, (this is the basic premise of testing).
Acknowledge failure brings you a step closer to success and you will never look at it the same way again.
Do you have a light in your house? Of course you do. Do have a light in your car? Of course you do. Do you see them in the street, in the shops, airports, hospitals, restaurants, etc, etc? Yes, they are everywhere.
Well, the electric light was borne from one man's irresistible persistence to invent what many said was impossible.
It wasn't easy, thousands of times he failed....thousands!! How many people make it past 3 failures? Most give up after only one. Plenty never even try.
But Thomas A. Edison, the creator of the incandescent light, took each of those failures in his stride.
With the knowledge of what DOESN'T work, each failure took him a step closer to changing the entire world!
We only want to get rich. A much, much easier task.
If persistence can change the world, imagine what it can do for you.
Persistence can be developed through 4 simple steps.
Are you ready?
Pay close attention, these are life skills you should embrace deep within your psyche...practice them whenever you want to rise above your present dilemma...teach them to your children.
The 4 Steps to Developing Persistence
Step 1
Have a definite goal fueled by a burning desire to achieve it.
Step 2 Have a definite plan and continually work at it.
Step 3 Close your mind against all negativity. Do not think about or be discouraged by the negative comments that may come from family, friends and acquaintances.
Step 4 Form a friendship with one or more people who will encourage you to follow through with your plan and achieve your goals.
Personally, I was never taught to persist. Whenever the going got tough I quit.
After years of underachievement, poverty and unhappiness I knew my life philosophy wasn't working. I decided if I ever wanted things to change I needed to change.
So I set about discovering the laws of life known by the very rich and the very happy.
The 4 Steps to Developing Persistence are among the most valuable.
Here's how they can apply to you:
Step 1Have a definite goal backed by a burning desire to achieve it.
- I'm guessing you want to be rich. If you do commit yourself to achieving that goal you are half way there.
Step 2Have a definite plan and continually work at it.
- You must have a plan because without one you are treading water. How many people do you know have goals?
Probably not many, I know because I asked a lot of the people around me what their goals were and most of them just went "...aahhh....dunno".
That's the kind of aimlessness that will see you doing the same unrewarding job for the next 15 years.
Step 3Close your mind against all negativity. Do not think about or be discouraged by the negative comments that may come from family, friends and acquaintances.
- If you know someone who has a habit of discouraging you, don't tell them what you are doing or what your goals are. Wait until you're having some success and then tell them.
Anything they have to say then will either no longer apply or will be seen for what it is: -- An attempt to stop you from rising above the position in life they would prefer to see you occupy! --
Step 4Form a friendship with one or more people who will encourage you to follow through with your plan and achieve your goals.
- If you know people of similar mind then that is fantastic, spend time with them, soak up their positivity.
If not, don't worry because you do not necessarily need to form a personal relationship. Encouragement from the great minds and achievers of our time can be found in books, tapes and CD's.
Jim Rohn is very good, others are Anthony Robbins and Napoleon Hill.
Persistence is a necessary ingredient in any achievement. Obviously it must be, because if you didn't persist you would never finish anything.
The degree of your persistence is actually proportional to the size of the achievement.
It has been a defining characteristic of some of the greatest men and women to ever walk our planet.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Have things to do but can't get yourself doing it? Tasks, chores, or job in the office that have been left too long? No problem! With just a handful of quick and easy tips you'll be moving in the right direction in no time at all.

Tackling projects all at once is a sure way to keep things from getting done. Break your tasks down into manageable steps. Entire house need cleaning? Just take it one room at a time. Need to organize and file your taxes? Break them down into smaller categories - gathering forms, listing deductions, finding receipts, etc.

If you can't find a way to get yourself to follow through, find someone who can. This tip can work in two ways. First, you can find a friend or family member who can tackle the job with you, cutting the work in half. Get the kids to help with chores or invite a friend on the morning run you've been skipping.

Your other option is reaching out to the people who are good at motivating you to get moving. Explain your procrastination frustration and see if they can work their magic. Either way you go, be sure to return the favor; if the procrastination bug ends up biting them, be the first to jump in and lend a hand.

Why are you putting it off? If you can get to the heart of your procrastination, you may be able to find a different approach to reach the same result. For instance, if you've been putting off studying for an exam because you get too distracted at home, change up the routine and head to the coffee shop or bookstore.

Looking for the cause of your procrastination has another benefit: the thing might just be worth putting off. Ask yourself, "Does it really have to be taken care of right now?" or, "Does it have to be taken care of at all?"

If you've been putting something off time and again, there's a chance it doesn't need to be done now - or ever. But this only works with to-do's low on your priority list. If you know it needs to get done sooner than later, sometimes the best advice is to...

Have you ever thought about putting something off for so long that you could have actually taken care of it in half the time? If you know it has to be done, don't waste your precious time worrying or stressing out about it. Don't waste any time "thinking" about it. Just get up and start.

If the office needs organizing, get up and do it. If the checkbook needs balancing, open the book and balance. Don't fall into the trap of over thinking things and making a mountain out of a molehill. If you know it needs to be done, decide then and there to clear your mind and get your body moving!

Passionately committed to your success.

Saturday, May 5, 2007



5 Steps to a Better Attitude

We all get feeling down once in a while. Here are a FIVE tips to help you get back up quickly.

1. Practice upbeat communication! Make an effort to greet people in a positive way because people typically reflect the tone of your greeting back to you.

2. Learn something new and interesting! Develop a new hobby or learn how to do something you have always been interested in. You'll be amazed at how much more exciting life is when you are involved in something interesting.

3. Act positive! Have you ever noticed that if you mope around the house, acting tired and depressed, you feel even more tired and depressed? But if you get up and act enthusiastic about life, even if it is only an act at first, pretty soon, you will feel enthusiastic. In other words, fake it until it becomes true. Shakespeare said it more eloquently, when he counseled, "assume a virtue, if you have it not" (Hamlet 3:4). Do this: when you wake up tomorrow morning, jump out of bed and say, "I feel great! It's a great day to be alive!" Say it with conviction, and in no time it will be a great day. Of course you will feel a little silly, that's OK. It sure beats dragging out of bed mumbling, "today's going to be another lousy day just like yesterday."

4. Look for the Good! Make a conscious decision to look for the positive. Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are about as happy as they decide to be." If you look around, you will discover that everyone has challenges and heartbreaks; and everyone has good things in their life. The issue is not the problem--everyone has problems of one type or another--it is our reaction to the problem. Will you choose to respond positively, no matter what life hands you, and then focus on the good things that are happening? Or, will you choose to react negatively, and focus on what's wrong? The decision is yours.

5. Give yourself a break! Remember, YOU are the only one who can help your attitude. You cannot depend on other people or changing circumstances to get you out of the dumps. Take time to give yourself the break you deserve. Stop criticizing yourself or blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong. Remember, you are doing some things right too!

Follow these 5 simple ideas and watch your attitude (and your altitude) soar